Feature Requests

Title Upvotes Downvotes
1155 Battle scripting 6 0
1123 %-based equip stat bonuses 5 1
921 item attacks other things have a limited name length 5 1
1112 Dissolving sprites reappear as soon as they finish dissolving 4 0
508 Attack and attacker animation editor 4 0
347 Alpha transparency 4 0
1127 Buffs and debuffs as a builtin feature 4 1
513 Item pictures 4 1
299 "Do not loop" setting 4 1
1184 Feature: Single/limited-use attacks 3 0
1151 Frame-rate adjustment shouldn't increase game speed 3 0
1148 Counter attacks by stunned target queued up until end of stun 3 0
545 Item Triggers 3 0
535 Item plotscript commands 3 0
515 Attacks being able to trigger text/script out of battle 3 0
504 Default equipment per hero for all slots not just weapons 3 0
503 Item bitset to disable unequipping 3 0
498 Equip slots customisable for each hero 3 0
335 Show what stats are boosted on level-up and by how much (a la Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy) 3 0
294 16-bit+ colors for Backdrops 3 0
286 Make Level MP targettable in-battle and make max Level MP script-modifiable 3 0
227 Transmogrify heroes in-battle and transform to different hero out-of-battle 3 0
131 Ability to target the battle-ready meter 3 0
1144 Add vehicle setting to respect NPC zones hide "Override walls" setting 3 1
1121 New attack cost availability and conditional target settings 3 1
1102 Customisable Use/etc key mappings 3 1
935 Music Fade and Looping 3 1
841 Allow different stats to be used for accuracy and dodge 3 1
808 New Attack Cost setting "Battle-Ready Meter %:" 3 1
686 "Ambient Sound Effect(s)" option on Edit General Map Data 3 1
566 Make walk-in-place animation speed adjustable 3 1
493 Additional sound effect triggers 3 1
1182 Feature Request: Toggle Spells in a Spell List with Tags 2 0
1159 Feature: Mark/Clone without copying all of tiles walls zones and foemap 2 0
1156 Named (keyword) arguments in HamsterSpeak 2 0
1152 Steam Achievement Interaction 2 0
1150 Individually onetime-usable NPC instances 2 0
978 Built-in option to randomize between text boxes 2 0
702 Cursor graphics 2 0
648 Co-Existing Scripts (script multitasking) 2 0
629 Custom status effects 2 0
614 Customisable victory dance animation 2 0
595 Attack accuracy preview 2 0
581 "Override untargetable by Hero" and "Override untargetable by Enemy" Bitsets 2 0
544 Shop manipulation script commands 2 0
509 Enemy animations 2 0
506 Multiple fonts and effects 2 0
495 Individual hero inventories 2 0
489 Likelihood of using attacks 2 0
488 Running away 2 0
457 Stat caps for status affliction registers 2 0
406 Spell list tags 2 0
331 ${ITEM} text box insert for most recently acquired item 2 0
292 Music fading 2 0
275 Damage-dependent damage digit colors 2 0
230 Level limit for equipment 2 0
130 Tags involved in who can equip what items 2 0
122 Swapping heroes in battle 2 0
120 Better 'pick hero' command 2 0
110 Make various formulae customisable 2 0
44 Step-on NPCs not drawn below heroes/customisable walkabout layering 2 1
1103 Combat system idea compilation 2 1
931 Save NPC locations in saved games 2 1
885 Waypoints for NPCs to create paths. 2 1
842 Front/Back row formations 2 1
651 Use Default Attack 2 1
1179 Feature Request: Rearranging Spell Lists 1 0
940 Limited visibility in caves 1 0
939 Item - Enemy repellent 1 0
884 Enemy acts as a shield to another or an attack 'lightning rod' 1 0
811 Multiple targettable points on a single enemy 1 0
779 More commands to read attack/enemy data 1 0
694 Multiple Currencies? 1 0
667 New item/weapon bitsets 1 0
649 Plotscripting feature request: write spell list name 1 0
623 Animation editor more frames & character poses 1 0
621 Sort menu items by various data 1 0
596 Damage preview in attack editor 1 0
578 Needs more search 1 0
574 Esc should have adjustable behavior in menus 1 0
531 Textbox appears below menus that called it up 1 0
525 Commands to get rewards from previous battle 1 0
523 Adjustable screen fade speed 1 0
522 Per-item-type limits on number of items in inventory 1 0
511 Tileset names 1 0
510 Player-visible HP meters for enemies in battle 1 0
505 Bitset to disable fading before and after battles 1 0
440 "berserk " and "confuse" effect registers 1 0
412 Do not display HP numbers 1 0
332 Adjustable hero positions (and facing directions) in battles 1 0
324 Proper in battle allies 1 0
319 Attacks that can target bitsets 1 0
318 Weapon Durability 1 0
306 ..out of MP indicator for enemies 1 0
250 place arrangements of multiple tiles all at once 1 0
248 Feature Request: External File Manipulation 1 0
145 Multiple-user attacks 1 0
133 Shortcut keys in custom.exe 1 0
121 Option to add a new thing as a copy of an old thing in custom 1 0
118 Plotscripting commands to change global text strings 1 0
117 Ability to record damage in battle 1 0
114 Ability to type x y coordinates in the map editor 1 0
1158 Way to skip arguments in HamsterSpeak by passing their default value 1 1
1125 Using a door to the same map counts as a map change 1 1
994 Display buff and debuff state with icons or animations 1 1
846 Music intro segments 1 1
711 Cleanup various editor menus 1 1
1200 Request: Attack damage setting for 1:1 Atk/Def math 0 0
1168 Feature request: Inns asking for item trade-in as currency 0 0
30 Add a scripting command to simulate a mouse click 0 0
937 Text Box events when defeating monsters and being defeated by monsters 0 0
904 Customizable per-hero/enemy weak state thresholds 0 0
834 Batch Import of Graphics 0 0
759 Lighting Tool 0 0
751 Diverse Captions 0 0
728 Number Sorting 0 0
716 Add mirroring and rotating to clone tool 0 0
708 copy and paste a full-set of attack (or enemy or hero) bitsets 0 0
681 Choose which layer to load default passability from 0 0
622 Joystick configuration menu 0 0
615 Default attack data 0 0
600 Battle statistics in global variables for scripts 0 0
570 reading from the original unmodified tilemap 0 0
527 Menu-choice bitset 'consume on use' 0 0
520 'Duplicate Item' option/keyboard shortcut 0 0
512 Battle-ready meter initialization 0 0
468 NPC activation/suspension features 0 0
441 Reflect status for bouncing spells 0 0
394 Random spell lists need to be able to check costs 0 0
384 Request: Respawn NPC Command 0 0
366 Need more commands for working with doors! 0 0
361 "Do not pause battle" attack bitset 0 0
345 Same tile stays selected between layers 0 0
259 Attacks to summon Enemies as Allies 0 0
252 Bitset: "Damage cannot exceed current stat" 0 0
249 Delete Save Slot and Copy Save Slot buttons in save/load menu 0 0
125 Color-coding for different reasons that one cannot use something (spells) 0 0
123 Viewing status while swapping heroes 0 0
92 Unlump only runtime-modifyable lumps 0 0


Title Upvotes Downvotes
1091 Enemies take player items if using attacks that cost an item 4 0
1098 Attack costs megabug 3 0
1172 Random Test Game failure: "Error communicating with game.exe/OHRRPGCE-Game" 2 0
1162 Spell-teaching item and out of battle healing conflict. 2 0
1136 music_sdl: Crash when playing a truncated .wav 2 0
1134 Can't push NPCs using mouse controls 2 0
1108 Shop stuff name and sell price reset when entering any sub-browser 2 0
1077 Negative HP or MP costs on attacks do nothing; HP and gold costs never disallow attacks 2 0
1035 Step-on activated NPCs don't get triggered if you hold still and they walk underneath you 2 0
1203 Changes to y value of sprite component of NPCs not respected 1 0
1198 Attack targetting does not break stat ties randomly 1 0
1185 Distribute Game fragility; breakage due to gfx_sdl2 becoming default 1 0
1178 Backcompatability (aesthetic) Old games using palette 32767 to make a sprite black 1 0
1163 All items can be set as default weapon even if they are not weapons 1 0
1154 Shop Buy/Hire display broken at resolutions > 320x200 1 0
1153 gamepad doesn't work on virtual keyboard 1 0
1149 Items menu cursor glitches when dropping item 1 0
1146 Virus scanners triggering on hspeak.exe 1 0
1141 You can activate and push an NPC at the same time causing it come back to you 1 0
1139 Crash when hero battle menu is empty 1 0
1132 Resizing window inside debug menu doesn't restore properly when you exit it 1 0
1130 Tiles randomly resetting to default walls in map editor 1 0
1124 Map data resets after battle 1 0
1122 Attack costs deducted at a dubious time 1 0
1116 Enemies with on-death bequest attacks that die to poison delay attack for a turn 1 0
1111 "swap by position" lets you create an empty active party 1 0
1109 Typing item trade numbers in shop stuff editor works poorly 1 0
1107 Can escape unescapable enemies who are jumping 1 0
38 Virus scanners raise false alarm on game.exe when a game icon is embedded 1 0
37 Item disappearing from shop 1 0
32 Editing one-way walls very buggy especially Undo and Mark/Clone 1 0
26 MacOS 10.14 asks whether Custom can access computer when importing a script freezes if you deny 1 0
18 improvements to variable-resolution sprites support such as fixing portrait boxes (currently always 50x50) 1 0
10 Crash when viewing minimap (memory corruption?) 1 0
5 Audio broken on Windows with Japanese codepage 1 0
4 gfx_directx: text copy-paste crash bug on Windows 7+ 1 0
1101 Enemy energy bar is saved after enemy defeated 1 0
1100 Multiple attacks cannot occur on the same clock tick 1 0
1099 Spread absorb attacks don't display total amount absorbed 1 0
1092 Crash/freeze when quitting Test Game and Custom may crash/freeze too 1 0
1085 SDL_mixer plays tracks slowed down/sped up if not 11 22 or 44.1kHz 1 0
1060 Occasional MIDI crash when looping on Windows (music_sdl/sdl2) 1 0
980 Stat caps aren't applied during battles 1 0
975 Attack target not immediately cleared on death 1 0
928 Heroes aren't sent into a 'weak' state when afflicted with Poison Mute or Stun. 1 0
868 “Simulate Old Levelup Bug” needs a better name 1 0
861 Attack tags are not set out of battle 1 0
849 Accidentally walking an NPC/hero twice can misalign 1 0
785 Custom assumes a US QWERTY keyboard layout 1 0
660 Misaligned NPCs & heroes have broken activation and collision checking 1 0
483 Jump/land conflicts 1 0
470 Missing crashes with ubersetzung (and later) versions of game.exe (Spoiler Alert!) 1 0
1202 Linux: Package SDL SDL_mixer in tarballs 0 0
1201 music_sdl/Debian: crashes when Humoresque.mid stops playing 0 0
1199 Wiki inaccessible with Chrome (ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING) 0 0
1197 Unable to install APK files on Android 7 0 0
1196 music_sdl2: Freeze when playing gurgu.mid on Linux 0 0
1195 Kaspersky Free blocks hspeak.exe 0 0
1194 Android: aspect ratio not preserved 0 0
1193 music_sdl: left/right channels swapped when some .ogg files loop 0 0
1191 Slice collision checking broken for negative width/height slices 0 0
1190 Linux gfx_sdl2: some window resizes lost so doesn't draw over whole window & wrong mouse position 0 0
1189 gfx_sdl2: mouse position not reported when dragging off the window 0 0
1188 gfx_sdl2 doesn't recenter when the window zoom is changed 0 0
1187 Mac/Linux music_sdl: Module loop points ignored; pause when looping 0 0
1186 "add hero" command return value doesn't work 0 0
1183 Mac/gfx_sdl2 lacks custom menu bar 0 0
1174 "BUG: Layer menu resetpt broken" 0 0
1173 Windows gfx_sdl: Enter key stuck after changing window zoom level in Custom 0 0
1169 Feature request: Shop type to use attacks out of battle on heroes 0 0
1167 Feature Request: Duplicate Doors 0 0
1166 Feature request: More triggers for sound effects 0 0
1165 Feature request: "How many" argument for NPCs' Give Item and textbox conditional Add/Remove Item 0 0
1164 Shop's stat displays for equipment don't check if stats are visible and cannot be turned off 0 0
1161 Items checking costs when they're not supposed to 0 0
1160 gfx_fb/linux: high frame-drop when running at ~30-60fps 0 0
1157 Can't distribute for Linux: "tar.exe reported failure" or "couldn't run tar" 0 0
1145 Mac: Importing scripts/launching HSpeak randomly doesn't work 0 0
1131 Back-compat bit to not clear the screen before redraw 0 0
1129 Marking tiles in map editor will sometimes instantly clone stamp them elsewhere 0 0
1120 Heroes which have jumped/in midair count as dead for targetting 0 0
1119 Can't compile hspeak on Linux distros with recent glibc (2.31+) 0 0
1117 Crash or strange error on script recursion overflow 0 0
1115 gfx_sdl/sdl2: can't resize the window on older xfce4 0 0
1114 Mac/gfx_sdl: window not recentered when zoom is changed 0 0
1110 Scrolling glitches including incorrect start position in sprite editor browser 0 0
43 Enemies using on-death bequest attacks fade out twice 0 0
42 Both "Reset stored target" and "Store Target" on the same attack doesn't work 0 0
39 Temporary directories sometimes not cleaned on Windows (`killdir` fails) 0 0
35 All sprites or global text strings randomly wiped 0 0
28 Mouse/touch targetting in battle when a spell/item menu is open 0 0
25 Crash: TOP_LEFT_PLANK <- ITEM_SCREEN_REFRESH (report bf14f9b3) 0 0
23 Mac: Custom getting stuck when spawning a program after changing window size 0 0
22 Test Game causes Custom to freeze on Unix if Game freezes / Cleanup process spawning 0 0
16 gfx_directx flickers or doesn't display map editor minimap screen 0 0
6 Can only cut map tiles from the top-left 320x200 of a backdrop 0 0
1094 Missing/corrupt data in-game while using Test Game 0 0
1093 NPCs can walk through other NPCs that are trying to move into an obstacle 0 0
1089 The Windows installer is blocked on Windows 8+ 0 0
1086 Arrow key repeat rates are unbalanced 0 0
1080 Distribute Game options don't work on Mac 0 0
1079 Freeze in SDL_CloseAudio when using PulseAudio? 0 0
1074 Arrow keys broken for gamepads on Android port 0 0
1068 Touch and step-on NPCs not activated normally when obstruction suspended 0 0
1067 rectangle border color anomaly with ./autotest.py -g testgame/autotest.rpg 0 0
1015 "Step On" NPCs sometimes delay in activating scripts 0 0
1010 Linux: Can't open files with non-English characters in the filename 0 0
1007 Battle stuck after killing last enemy with multihit attack that has on-death attack 0 0
992 Door links and NPC tags sometimes break when upgrading RPG files from old DOS versions 0 0
991 Some spells removed from hero spell lists when upgrading RPG files from old DOS versions 0 0
990 Item stat bonuses and equip bits erased when upgrading RPG files from old DOS versions 0 0
985 Music will not play if there is an accented character in the user's profile directory (Windows music_sdl) 0 0
979 gfx_directx: screen corrupts after standard windows screen saver and doesn't refresh 0 0
972 Corrupt RPG file errors from Custom when running with a UNC path 0 0
963 Distribute Game problems on Mac 0 0
961 Null map layer pointer warning messages in g_debug.txt 0 0
934 graphics for tilesets (rarely) not appearing in the map editor 0 0
932 key stuck if window focus changed when launching an external program with spawn_and_wait() 0 0
930 Delayed SHIFT key when typing text in gfx_directx 0 0
912 Sound effects get caught looping when going from one map to another 0 0
873 Thankvenge targeting attacks fail inconsistently 0 0
864 Spawn on death fails with 8 enemies 0 0
860 [Hamster Whisper] New svg icon 0 0
844 Display of large text slices is slow 0 0
843 Sound effects now affected by volume? 0 0
839 Chain browser not showing which attack is selected 0 0
835 Enemy 0 invisible in Yo Ghost Reborn in nightly but not in Ypsiliform 0 0
821 Sprite cache not completely cleared when switching games 0 0
817 Chained attacks don't check costs 0 0
778 Header code cleanup / circular dependency problems 0 0
750 Textboxes Don't Trigger on Teaching Items 0 0
748 Chained attacks don't work outside of battle 0 0
741 detect and fix ancient games that were broken by renaming before archinym.lmp existed 0 0
739 Volume bar woes 0 0
738 NPC data corruption 0 0
721 Graphical glitches in SoJ 0 0
697 CUSTOM uses Color 0 for background regardless of what it's set to use. 0 0
679 Minimaps show inactive layers 0 0
663 Enemy data not properly reinitialised when enemies spawn in reused slots 0 0
656 Verify all gen() maximums on upgrade 0 0
617 Fix screen tearing 0 0
583 Life-displaying attacks ("Scan") don't work under unknown conditions 0 0
571 Arrow key usage of cursor causes drag/jerking 0 0
562 "reset palette" reverts to default palette not the last one loaded 0 0
550 premature fade-in after "teleport to map" with bug 430 wantimmediate fix enabled 0 0
455 Map edge passibility issues 0 0
405 Hero Stays In Weak Pose after being healed 0 0
404 Victory music plays for an instant if there are no rewards 0 0
380 Spread Attacks Use Outdated Target Information 0 0
330 Pushed npcs are obstructionless 0 0
327 Issue involving the "cannot target enemy in slot #" bitsets and the target setting "all" 0 0
247 Cannot delete songs (or other lumps) from unlumped RPGs 0 0
207 "walk NPC" by multiple tiles breaks NPC activation 0 0
177 Vehicles drawn in NPC layer causes graphical bugs 0 0
1044 weapon picture can remain on-screen durring victory dance 0 0
1126 Multiple delayed attacks on stored targets get confused? 0 1
1073 fat_frog.rpg fails with numerous script errors 0 1
867 music_native: stuck notes when switching from a MIDI to another song 0 1
866 music_native2 stops partway through some MIDIs 0 1
450 music_native: MIDI plays too slow 0 1
419 music_native: crash when playing a corrupted midi 0 1
359 music_native: Music suddenly becomes distorted 0 1
334 gfx_fb: Media buttons masquerade as letters 0 1
298 music_native2: Playing a MIDI can cause further MIDI music to not play 0 1
244 music_native: MIDI voices switching to ACGPIANO randomly 0 1
154 music_native: MIDI voice error 0 1